How we charge for our services

Our Pricing Is Simple

We provide website development,  web maintenance and more for WordPress, Drupal and Joomla platforms in addition to marketing services for small business websites for $70.00/hour. That’s it!

See our Services page to learn more about what is included in our rate.

If you need our help for 20 minutes, we charge you for 20 minutes. If you need us for 3 hours, we charge you for 3 hours. If you need us to revamp your current website, we can help with that too!

We also offer building new WordPress websites, setting up a Google My Business Listing and Google My Business One-Page website services for a flat rate. See below to compare.

        Google My
Business Listing
Google My Business
  One-Page Website




Verification Process Included Included N/A 
Set up Gmail account Included  Included  N/A 
Create simple logo *
(if none)
N/A Included N/A
Select, crop, correct,
optimize and place images
Limit of 20 Limit of 20 Unlimited
Write content with
SEO keywords
Included Included Included
Office hours & location Included Included Included
Call-to-Action button N/A 1 Unlimited
Template themes to
select from
N/A 10 only Unlimited
with WordPress
Number of web
pages allowed
N/A 1 Unlimited
with WordPress
Character limits Yes
Varies with each field
Varies with each field
with WordPress
Images displayed
on website
N/A 9 Unlimited
with WordPress
Create first 3 postings Included Included N/A
Maintenance cost DIY
(from ATC: $70/hour)
(from ATC: $70/hour)
(from ATC: $70/hour)
Add Plugins for more
features and options
N/A N/A Unlimited
with WordPress
Social sharing buttons N/A N/A Yes
Add SEO features
(meta tags, alt tags, etc.)
N/A No Yes
Change template fonts,
font sizes, colors
N/A Only with Template Yes
SSL (https://) N/A Yes Yes
(paid for by owner)
Training to maintain Included Included Included

Pricing Inquiries and Payments

Pricing inquiries start with a few questions regarding the purpose of the website, the target market, need for custom features, etc. – then we can provide a cost estimate for website and/or marketing development.

We’ve worked on websites for many years and know what we are doing. We don’t waste your time trying to sell you services you don’t need. We will advise you on your website options and help you decide what is of most value to you.


  • For project-based work, we’ll give you an estimate with 30%-50% due before work begins, depending on how much time the project is estimated to take. The balance will be due when the project has been completed. If we are performing website maintenance or other on-going services, you will be invoiced, payable within 30 days:
  • One-Page Website on Google My Business (includes Google My Business Listing):
    $450.00 due before project starts
  • Google My Business Profile including optimized images, simple logo, SEO keywords and a posting:

    $350.00 due before project starts
  • We accept checks and PayPal
ATC Web Solutions helps small businesses with their websites with fair pricing only charging by the hour

* If you do not have a logo (and the one I create is not adequate), I have various connections with people and/or companies who can help you get one created.