Long Time Family Law Attorney Client
When the Ane Murphy Law website was initially launched in 2006 she received positive feedback in addition to being more easily found by her clients and the search engines. The website rebuild in 2016 helped increase the website’s security by adding SSL and updated the site to be responsive design. Those improvements in addition to getting added to Google My Business have helped her increase her visibility on the web and compete with other attorneys.
About the Law Office of Ane Murphy
Ane Murphy specializes in divorce and family law matters in San Jose in Santa Clara County. She handles all types of family law matters including divorce, property division, domestic violence and child custody issues including a significant number of custody disputes. She is qualified and thought of highly enough by the courts to be a court appointed attorney for children in family law matters. She has been a practicing attorney since 1993. Ane is also a Certified Specialist in Family Law and is able to practice law in both the California State and Federal Courts.
Ane did not have a website when ATC Web Solutions first met her in 2006. As an attorney, she knew she needed to be found online – there was just too much competition to not have a website. In addition, she had too much content to publish and just being listed on a lawyer’s referral website wasn’t going to meet her needs. She also needed a logo.
Her son was an artist and he was able to design her logo. While that was going on, we created a sitemap to help us layout her main menu and start writing the content. Her first website was written in Drupal with php. As Ane wrote the content and gave it to us, we inserted her keywords. We also found and purchased the photos needed for the website.
In 2016 we decided it was time to update the website. This time we moved her website to WordPress and used the opportunity of the website revamp to update her images and content.
Both websites were launched in a reasonable amount of time.
In 2006 after launching her Drupal website, Ane received lots of feedback about her website that could now be easily found by clients. When we revamped her website onto WordPress in 2016 she continued to have people find her via her online presence. Recently we moved the website to https:// for better security and to help her rank higher on Google. We also added her to Google My Business and her stats went up by 13% in one month. The anemurphylaw.com website has helped her to get found by prospective clients and connect to her current clients. Since 2006 she has had the ability to compete with other family law attorneys, she can be found more easily and she has control over how she presents her services as a family law attorney.

Law Office of Ane Murphy

website home page
on WordPress

website on mobile

Law website
on Drupal
Website Details
- First version of her website was on Drupal and the current version is on WordPress. Both times we met with the client and discussed her business and website goals
- Both sites have been maintained by ATC Web Solutions since 2006
- The current WordPress template was found and customized to meet Ane Murphy’s needs
- Encouraged the client to supply content
- Both times ATC Web Solutions did the website development, organized the content, and collaborated on the menu and menu drop downs. We also contributed content
- Found and purchased all of the images for both websites (images were all approved by the client)
- Increased website security over time
- Managed the quality control of the website
- Customized all the title tags and the meta description tags
- Determined the keywords to focus on and used them throughout the content
- After receiving content from the client we inserted SEO keywords where appropriate
- Moved the website to https:// (SSL – Secure Socket Layer) for better SEO plus security
- Keywords were used as file names for images and web pages
- Emphasized Ane’s specialty as a Certified Specialist in Family Law which distinguishes her from most divorce and family law attorneys
- Inserted all the Title tags and Meta description tags into WordPress
- Made sure keywords were used for links and that every page had at least three keyword phrases
- When developing, checked for broken links
- Installed Google Analytics
- Set up a sitemap.xml and had it verified by Google
- Optimized images
- Spell checked entire site
- Set up Google My Business listing
- Client Name : Ane Murphy
- Company Name : Law Office of Ane Murphy
- Date : April 2006 to present
- Technology Used :
• Drupal/PHP (2006-2016)
• WordPress (2016 to present)
• Responsive Design
• JavaScript
• Photoshop
• Illustrator
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