Contractor Had An Old Website That Needed a Complete Re-Do
Jack had a very old website with virtually no content on it. He had wanted to revamp it but hadn’t had time to touch it (for 7+ years). I met Jack Cannon while looking for a General Contractor to help remodel a rental property that we were moving back into. He seemed competent and I ended up hiring him as our General Contractor. BTW, it was a very good decision.About Lynstar Enterprises
Jack Cannon has been a general contractor since 1983. Throughout his career, he has always been known for the high value of his construction, managing construction projects, picking only the best teams to work with him and his fine craftsmanship.
In January of 1989, Lynstar became a California Corporation. As owner and President, Jack Cannon dedicates himself to creating and maintaining a company based on excellent service and commitment. He does home restoration, house reconstruction and complete home and commercial remodeling.
Jack had a very out-of-date website with essentially no content. He had contact information and a couple of paragraphs about what he had to offer but that was about it. He wanted more content and images of his projects on his new website. He wanted people to know the extent of his skills, show off his projects and demonstrate his extensive skills and dedication that he gives to each of his clients.
Jack wanted to stay with his current hosting company which was new to us (and no problem). During the development of the staging site, though, the hosting company decided to move all of their clients to the cloud which completely broke all of the links and images on the staging site. Therefore we had to start from scratch and re-install the template which delayed us quite a bit. In addition, since Jack was so busy with running his business, ATC Web Solutions ended up writing all of the content with Jack reviewing it. Also some of the photos that were supplied to us from Jack’s projects were not sized properly but we figure out a way around that and were still able to use almost all of his photos.
ATC Web Solutions created the Lynstar Enterprises website in WordPress with the hosting company of Web Hosting Logic. I reviewed with Jack the proposed site map and we agreed quickly on the details. We also reviewed quite a few WordPress templates and we reached agreement on the template that would best fit his needs. Jack explained to us how he works with most of his clients and ATC Web Solutions was able to take that information and create the About Us and the What Will Lynstar Do For You web pages. Jack supplied all the project photos and descriptions of the projects. After a few questions and more details from him we moved forward with creating the content and pulling the website together. It took longer than expected but Jack was patient and ultimate the website came together nicely. It’s a responsive design site with nice but tasteful movement effects to give the reader interest. Jack is a very competent General Contractor so it’s easy to show how he shines.
Jack now refers people to his website so that they can learn more about what he has to offer. This website will help any new client to really know what they are getting if they hire Lynstar Enterprises. Jack also has an extensive Testimonial page which is quite impressive. He likes to point his current clients to the Resources page that has information about where to find plumbing fixtures, granite, tile, appliances, etc. Since Jack gets almost all of his future clients and jobs via word-of-mouth, he doesn’t need to have a Google My Business listing or a listing on Yelp.

Website Details
- The WordPress template was found and customized to meet the needs of Lynstar Enterprises
- Worked on a staging site with the Hosting Company and when ready the site was moved from staging to the live domain
- ATC Web Solutions organized the content, wrote the content, collected the project photos from Jack and did the website design and layout
- ATC Web Solutions managed the quality control of the website
- Customized all the title tags and the meta description tags throughout the website and for all images
- Determined the keywords to focus on and used them throughout the content
- Made sure keywords were used for links and that every page had many keyword phrases
- Identified all images using keywords
- Spell checked entire site
- Client Name : Jack Cannon
- Company Name : Lynstar Enterprises
- Date : January 2022 to Present
- Technology Used :
• WordPress
• Photoshop
• Responsive Design
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